Flexbox calculated width is rounded down when moving a Sortable helper
flexbox items can be stretched to fit the width of the largest object in the same flex container and the calculated witdh can be a floating number (in Firefox 43.0.1)
I found a bug(?) in jQuery UI that the helper for Sortable can have smaller witdhthan the original object - is is rounded down to an integer (I guess it's the same for height when using flex columns instead of rows)
I created a dirty fix for myself to manually edit following line in my downloaded version of jquery.js:
helper .
width (
this .
currentItem .
width () + 1);
I have no time to investigate more this week and propose a proper pull request, but I hope this report can help you guys to fix it. If it will prove hard to reproduce, I can create a jsfiddle for reproduction next week...