Flip Toggle switch trigger event when flip is started

Flip Toggle switch trigger event when flip is started

Hi all,


I'm quite new in jquery mobile and for now I have some problems using the Flip Toggle Switch.


In my setup the flip toggle switch is refreshed every second with the server state. So when the server value is changing the flip toggle switch is changing too. So far so good.

But when I try to flip the switch slowly from on to off it could happen that the flip toggle switch is refreshed and the flip is going back to its starting position.

Now I'm looking for a event like slidestart and slidestop from the slider. So that i can stop refreshing the switch during sliding.

I'm using the Alpha from jquery mobile 1.2.0 and i have tried to get some standard events like mousedown or focus triggering but without luck.

Does anyone have an example which is showing a event when the sliding is startet. Just tabbing the switch to switch from its on to off position is working great in combination with the change event.


