


I am struggling to get to grips with jquery and have used a web page to design a web page for a home project i am doing.

i have chosen flipswitch's for my page the idea is if i set it to on or off on the flip switch it will get a url but not return the requested page.

i have the following code for one of the switch's

The idea is when i flip the switch to on it calls allon.php and when i flip it to off it calls alloff.php

I've scoured the net for ages trying to find other examples but can not find a thing can any one help?
  1. <div data-role="fieldcontain">
                <label for="Power All">
                    Power All
                <select name="toggleswitch4" id="Power All" data-theme="b" data-role="slider"
             <option value="on" selected>On</option>
                    <option value="off">
                    <option value="on">