focusBubbles broken?

focusBubbles broken?

The bubbling focus and blur events seems to be implemented incorrect
and in a very strange way.
1. support.focusBubbles is true in all browsers (only testet in IE8
and FF3.5), but should be false in all browsers
2. If support.focusbubbles would be false, wich never is the case,
focusin/focusout are bound, wich are only supported by IE.
Following the W3C specification focus/blur are not bubbling events and
therefore doesn´t need to be fixed / overwritten with a not working /
not standard compilant implementation. Instead you should provide new
events, like jQuery already did with mouseenter/mouseleave.
The W3C has its DOMfocusin/DOMfocusout events (only implemented in
Opera and very verbose) and Microsoft has its own focusin/focusout
events (already used in a lot of jQuery Plugins, because of Jörns
implementation (
jquery.delegate.js)). In all W3C compilant Browsers you can simply
emulate bubbling focus/blur, by using event capturing instead of event
An implementation doesn´t need a support flag. The only check is,
wether the browser supports event capturing.
//original by jörn zaefferer
// if event capturing is supported use this, else try the native MS
if (document.addEventListener) {
        focus: 'focusin',
        blur: 'focusout'
    }, function(original, fix){
        $.event.special[fix] = {
            setup: function(){
                this.addEventListener(original, $.event.special[fix].handler,
            teardown: function(){
                this.removeEventListener(original, $.event.special[fix].handler,
            handler: function(e){
                arguments[0] = $.event.fix(e);
                arguments[0].type = fix;
                return $.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);