Fold Effect Destroys Objects

Fold Effect Destroys Objects

The FOLD effect screws up objects (JS and/or DOM) on the page. After I
apply FOLD my object does not work any more.
I have put a demo online, for you to see the problem. I think I will
also put this on the Google Groups for jQuery UI as this really
appears to be a bug in JQuery UI.
user: test
pass: test
Steps to reproduce:
1. expand "Select Survey"
2. try sorting the grid by clicking on the column headers "survey
name" or "survey description".
3. it won't work because JQuery UI fold messes up my page.
4. press one of the "select" buttons.
5. try to sort again.
6. now it works because the page reloaded after pressing "select" (via
ajax, but even if I disable ajax reloading it's the same thing).
Conclusion: jquery UI fold destroys my JS in that grid. If I reload
the page, it works fine. But EVEN AFTER reloading, if you click
"Select Survey" to collapse the grid and then expand it again, SORT
PS: same thing happens with the filter (stops working). You can test
it by writing something in those textboxes.