

Hello dear friends developer,

         I am a new developer jquery mobile, I have a problem with the code below, given that when I filled out the form (index.html) and send it to (action.php) I output which displays the code of second file (action.php).

Fichier index.html


<!DOCTYPE html> 



  <meta name=viewport content="user-scalable=no,width=device-width" />

  <link rel=stylesheet />

  <script src=jquery.js></script>




<div data-role=page id=home>

  <div data-role=header>



  <div data-role=content>

    <p> Window content </p>

    Name : <input type=text /> <br />







$("input").bind ("change", function (event)


  var name = $(this).val ();

  $.ajax (


   url : "action.php",

    data : { name : name },

    complete : function (xhr, result)



      if (result != "success") return;

      var response = xhr.responseText;

     $("#home div:jqmData(role=content)").append (response);





Fichier action.php


$name = $_REQUEST["name"];

echo utf8_encode ("<p> The name entered is $name </p>");
