Frames with jQuery 1.3.2 and Opera

Frames with jQuery 1.3.2 and Opera

I recently updated my product to use jQuery 1.3.2 and I gave beta
testers a version to test. A couple Opera users reported that a frame-
related feature doesn't work in Opera 9.64 and Opera 10. The bug
described in ticket #3993 ( seems to
explain the problem.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does anyone know a way to
avoid it? A workaround suggested in the ticket suggests a change to
jQuery and I'm going to stay away from that.
Without a workaround I'll have to revert to 1.2.6, and I'd rather not
do that if I can avoid it. There's nothing particularly wrong with
1.2.6 in my application, but if I don't upgrade now, the next release
of my product could be 6 months or more down the road and that means
I'll have to re-do the integration work for jQuery, plugins, etc.