Freewall gallery link issues

Freewall gallery link issues

I'm using the script available from the Freewall gallery project ( )

I need to know how to make the images in the gallery 'clickable' ( they must perform a function to make other independent divs on the page visible or not)
with some searching I found how to incorporate a link VAR but this shows how to load a new URL . I can't figure how to modify to enable each image box to perform a Jquery function.
The 'selector: '.cell' option does work perfectly, however it doesn't give me a way to make each cell perform a different function.

Any ideas?

Here is the most recent code i have that opens different urls:
<script type="text/javascript"> var links = ["A.html", "B.html", "C.html"]; var titles = ["titleA", "titleB", "titleC"]; var temp = "<a href='{link}' ><div class='cell' style='width:{width}px; height: {height}px; background-image: url(grid-images/photo/{index}.jpg)'><div class='showOnHover'>{title}</div></div></a>"; var w = 280, h = 320, html = '', limitItem = 15; for (var i = 0; i < limitItem; ++i) { html += temp.replace(/\{height\}/g, h).replace(/\{width\}/g, w).replace("{index}", i + 1).replace("{link}", links[i]).replace("{title}", titles[i]); } $("#freewall").html(html); var wall = new freewall("#freewall"); wall.reset({ selector: '.cell', animate: true, cellW: 280, cellH: 320, onResize: function() { wall.refresh(); } }); wall.fitWidth(); // for scroll bar appear; $(window).trigger("resize"); </script>