Get a selector path from a jquery object

Get a selector path from a jquery object

Earlier this year this posted:
I found it helpful and made a few modifications. Namely if one of the
parent nodes has an id it uses said parent as the root.
* Return a valid jQuery selector path to an object from a
* root - specify a root element from which to generate the path
* If no root is specified, then path is given from the document
* If root is same as element, no path is returned (undefined)
* If root is not actually a parent of this element, then no path
* returned (undefined);
path : function(root) {
var r;
if(root) {
r = $(root)[0];
} else {
r = $()[0];
var el = this[0];
if(el) {
var path = "";
while(el && el.parentNode && el != r) {
if(el.nodeType == 9) {
// reached document node, no root provided.
if ({
path = el.tagName.toLowerCase()+"#""
} else {
path = el.tagName.toLowerCase()+":eq("+
$(el).prevAll(el.tagName).size()+") "+path;
var el = el.parentNode;
return path;