Get Video url from media:content in RSS XML feed

Get Video url from media:content in RSS XML feed

Hello all,
I am using jfeed to retrieve content from an rss feed. I was able to grab the thumbnail from media:thumbnail using
  item.thumbnail =jQuery(this).find('media\\:thumbnail, first').attr('url');

However I am now trying to grab the url with the video file and I keep getting undefined
here is the excerpt from the rss feed containing the video url:

 <media:content duration="50" expression="full"
                    isDefault="false" medium="video" type="video/mp4" url=" http://test/1/>
                    <plfile:release xmlns:plfile=" http://test/1/data/MediaFile">
                        <plrelease:url xmlns:plrelease=" http://test/1/data/Release">http://test/1/data/6ITT9RKUPKTq</plrelease:url>
                    <plfile:sourceUrl xmlns:plfile=" http://test/1/data/MediaFile">http://test2/videos/story1.mp4</plfile:sourceUrl>

Here is how I am trying to find it:
  1. =jQuery(this).find('<media\\:content, last').attr('plfile\\:sourceUrl\\ xmlns\\:plfile');

I thought I could escape the space the same way as the : but this does not work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.