getJSON does not (of course) return an XHR object for cross domain requests

getJSON does not (of course) return an XHR object for cross domain requests

Hi all, I do not know if this is the right place to ask, if not, please excuse me.
From the getJSON() official documentation I can read this:

$.getJSON(url, data, callback) function




but, when you have a JSONP request, the returning XHR is undefined, probably because in this case there is no real XHR object to deal with. My question is, do you plan to add some hack to jQuery in order to return a pseudo-xhr obj in this case too, want you to add a JSONP specific method without XHR abstraction, or will you just update the documentation to highlight this case?
I have written an application from which I quote the following code snippets, it works well on same domain, but it fails with cross domain requests. I regret for the lengthy snippet and Italian variable names, but in my opinion these lines of code might be useful to understand what XHR obj features are missing in JSONP requests.

for(var key in q.termre){
if(!q.termre[key].test(termine)) continue;
// bug javascript su regexp
if(key=='username' && /s+/.test(termine)) continue;
if(q.autocomplete_xhr[key] && q.autocomplete_xhr[key].readyState%4) q.autocomplete_xhr[key].abort();
var terminepulito=(key=='cli' || key=='ticket_id_tiscali' || key=='ticket_id_telecom')?termine.replace(/D/g, ''):termine;
q.autocomplete_xhr[key]=$.getJSON('?req=autocomplete&mode=suggest&type='+key+'&term='+terminepulito+'&callback=?', function(data){
if(!data.autocomplete) data.autocomplete=[];
if(!q.autocomplete_cache[termine]) q.autocomplete_cache[termine]=[];
var i=data.autocomplete.length;
while(i--) q.dati_cliente[data.autocomplete[i].value]=data.autocomplete[i];

function stato_caricamento(){
var richieste_attive=0;
for(key in q.autocomplete_xhr) richieste_attive+=q.autocomplete_xhr[key].readyState%4;
q.toggleClass('autocomplete-xhr-loading', !!richieste_attive);