getJSON List Daynamic issues

getJSON List Daynamic issues

This is the first time to post here i hope it will help me, my project to create list from database as dynamic and after that i can press on this list and whowing another list and again press and whoing another list so on ...etc , but i have problem in my code i can't see the second list after i click on first list , please see below my codae and let me know what problem here:

i think the problrm here "$("#ColList li").click( _updateList);" inthe first time when click not able to go inside function but the next time when i press back it's go inside function ???

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<title>jQuery PHP Json Response</title>

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<div data-role="page" id="page">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="a">
    <div data-role="content" id="listCol">   

<script type="text/javascript">

var counter = 0;
var url="http://localhost/PhpProject1/BrowseDepartment.php";

var College_IDArr = new Array;
var College_NameArr = new Array;
var ImageArr = new Array;
var CDepartment_IDArr = new Array;
var Dept_IDArr = new Array;
var Dept_NameArr = new Array;

var CDepartment = 0;

var listCol = "";
var listDept = "";

function test1(){
listCol ="";
listCol +='<ul id="ColList" data-role="listview">';

College_IDArr[i] = dat.College_ID;
College_NameArr[i] = dat.College_Name;
CDepartment_IDArr[i] = dat.CDepartment_ID;

listCol +='<li  id='+i+'><a href="Browsecollege.html#Dept"><h3>'+College_NameArr[i]+'</h3>';
listCol +='<span class="ui-li-count">'+CDepartment_IDArr[i]+'</span>';
listCol +='<p><strong>'+College_IDArr[i]+'</strong></p></a></li>';

// var t = $.getJSON(url, {CollegeID:College_IDArr[i]});
//CDepartment_IDArr[i] = dat.CDepartment_ID;
//list +='<li><a href="index.html"><h3>'+College_NameArr[i]+'</h3>';
//list +='<span class="ui-li-count">'+CDepartment_IDArr[i]+'</span>';
//list +='<p><strong>'+College_IDArr[i]+'</strong></p></a></li>';
//$.when($.getJSON(url)).done(function(result1) {

if(counter ==0){
 listCol +='</ul>';


    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
var countDept = 0;

var _updateList = function( evt )
     var choiceVal = parseInt($(this).attr('id'));

    listDept ='<ul id="DeptListUL" data-role="listview">';
    $.getJSON(url, {CollegeID:College_IDArr[choiceVal]},function(json){
        Dept_IDArr[i] = dat.Department_ID;
        Dept_NameArr[i] = dat.Department_Name;
        //CDepartment_IDArr[i] = dat.CDepartment_ID;

        listDept +='<li id='+i+'><a href="#Dept"><h3>'+Dept_NameArr[i]+'</h3>';
        //listCol +='<span class="ui-li-count">'+CDepartment_IDArr[i]+'</span>';
        listDept +='<p><strong>'+Dept_IDArr[i]+'</strong></p></a></li>';


listDept +='</ul>';





$("#ColList li").click( _updateList);


<div data-role="page" id="Dept" >

    <div data-role="header">

    <div data-role="content" id="Deptlist">   
