$.getJSON returns me bad data from properly formatted JSON

$.getJSON returns me bad data from properly formatted JSON

I have a JSON file formated as such:
"facets": [
"name": "Friends",
     "photoSrc" : "test.jpg",
"socialContext" : "Nightlife"
"name": "Tennis2",
"socialContext" : "Tennis2",
"photoSrc" : "test2.jpg"
I do $.getJSON("js/facetWidget/moreFacets.json", function(data)
and it returns me this:
[Object name=Friends photoSrc=test.jpg, Object name=Tennis2
is this something that I'm doing wrong...? if i just do a raw $.ajax
and print out the data, everything is there, but as soon as I change
dataType to JSON, it doesn't carry through all the values. The JSON
validates on JSONLint, btw.