Getting ID of selected Table Cell

Getting ID of selected Table Cell


I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with an issue I am having.

I have a "custom" Color picker on one of my forms. It is just a table with td cell background a certain color. When the user clicks on a td, it highlights as the selected color. What i need to do is get the id of the table cell that has been clicked and and set a hidden inputs value to that id value, so that when I check to see which "color" was selected, I can just reference the td ID.

So far I have:

  1. $('td').on("click", function() {
  2.     var selected = $(this).hasClass('highlight');
  3.     $('td').removeClass('highlight');
  4.     if(!selected) {
  5.         $(this).addClass("highlight");
  6.         $('#color-value').value = $(this).id;
  7.         alert($('#color-value').value);
  8.     }
  9. })
The alert is returning undefined. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here but the line:
  1. $('#color-value').value = $(this).id;
Is where I am trying to store the td ID and am getting an error.

Could someone please help to understand where I am going wrong? Thank you for any help!