Getting into jQuery internals development

Getting into jQuery internals development

I have been working with jQuery for just over a year now but have been
following the project since December 2006. In my companie's redesign
we are switching from Protoype to jQuery. I used to be moderately
active in the Prototype development community by submitting tickets
and answering dev questions. I saw John at SXSW last Saturday, and he
suggested that I join this mailing list to start getting into the
process. So, I figured I would introduce myself.
My name is Howard Rauscher. I work for as head of our front-
end dev team. I have been programming advanced javascript for about 4
years now and have been contributing to different frameworks for the
last 3 years or so. I recently have been playing around with server
side js (Jaxter) and have been passively reading the serverjs mailing
list ( I would highly
suggest it to anyone interested in that space. At my job, we use
ASP.NET platform, but I generally use Rails for my side projects.
If anyone with experience in jQuery internals development has any
recommendation for me on how to get more involved in the community and
process, please let me know.
Howard Rauscher