Goggle voice typing not working in popup text box

Goggle voice typing not working in popup text box

JQuery Mobile 1.45, Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 7.0, Cordova 6.3.1 -- In my Cordova project Google voice typing works fine in a JQM text box or text area on a page, but not in a popup. Tapping a text box or text area in the JQM popup brings up the keyboard, but subsequently tapping the microphone key causes the popup to flash and the keyboard to recede. Normal typing into the popup text/ text area box works fine, but tapping the microphone causes the popup to disappear and reappear quickly and the keyboard to recede. Changing this html to use <input type="text" makes no difference... Any ideas ??

            <div data-role="popup" id="puRtMtInfo" class="popup ui" style="top:0; width:300px;" data-theme="a">
                <div style="padding:10px 10px; text-align:center">
                    <h3 id="rtmtLabel"></h3>
                        <button data-inline="true" data-mini="true" data-theme="a" onclick="$('#puRtMtInfo').popup('close');">Done</button>
                    <textarea id="rtmtText" data-theme="a" style="height:50px;" onchange="rtmtInfoChange(this.value);"></textarea>