Got a problem - little help pls.

Got a problem - little help pls.

Hello all.
I have a problem with ajax requests.
I want to delete some things over json ajax request and it works fine
but when I start to delete another one somehow it remembers previous
url and it dispatch 2 requests or even more simultaneously.
I have Administrators, Bots, Guests and for example Test 1 and test 2.
When I click on delete for example Administrators, it wont allow me
because i disallow it. Than I press ok and for example try to delete
test 1 and it first it says me that I cannot delete this group
( remembered from administrator ) and than it just delete the second
group without any notice.
Okay this is the code. It's a little bit fuked up. I will repair it
but still i'm noob in jquery.
hackurl is defined globally as false
function deleteItem( id, div, hackurl ){
        $j('#preloadtitle').text('Are you sure?');
        $j('#preloadmessage').text('You have been requested to delete
policy! Are you sure that you want to process with deletion?');
        hackurl = false;
        hackurl = $j("#"+id).attr("href");
        $j("#progressarea").fadeIn(100, function(){
            $j("#progressarea .progresssection").fadeIn("fast");
        $j("#discarge_alert").bind("click", function(){
            $j("#progressarea .progresssection").fadeOut("fast", function(){
                $j("#progressarea").fadeOut( 100 );
            return false;
        $j("#process_to_alert").bind("click", function(){
             type: "POST",
             url: hackurl,
             cache: false,
             dataType: "json",
             beforeSend: function(XMLHttpRequest){
                     $j('#preloadtitle').text('Please wait...');
                     $j('#preloadmessage').text('Waiting for server response about
your task...');
             error: function( XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ){
                     $j('#preloadtitle').text('Script error!');
                     $j('#preloadmessage').text('Error with the script occured!
Please contact administrators!');
             success: function( data, textStatus ){
             if( data.state == 'false' )
             if( data.state == 'true' )
                     setTimeout('$j("#progressarea").fadeOut("slow");', 3000 );
            return false;
        return false;
Thanks a lot for any help.