hash/url problems with query strings/dynamic content

hash/url problems with query strings/dynamic content

Hi folks,

Working on implementing JQuery Mobile for a client's site and running into some hash/url problems. Not sure if I've seen a post that highlights this issue directly, though this one may be touching on some of the same issues.

I'm trying to use the changePage method to navigate between URLs (no sub-pages). The client's url's don't have filenames, which is to say that their home page looks something like: 


Their article pages look as such:


When I navigate to a page from the home screen, things work beautifully. The resulting hash'd url looks like:


Fantastic. JQuery Mobile is finding the article page and displaying the content. The problem occurs when I try to navigate from the above, hash-assisted url to another article page. The URL looks as such:


instead of


which I what I would expect. 

It seems clear that JQMobile is able to handle these URL's, because it does it on the first call. Does anyone know what's gumming up the second (and subsequent) calls? And (naturally) what I can do to remedy this?