Having issue with click() event

Having issue with click() event

Hello, I'm new in jQuery. I wrote simple code to add then remove Class after Click Close button but it not working.

First, you need click on div.item, after that, when I click Close, every will return original. I read  delegate the events by on() method but donot know how to use in my case.

Here is my Fiddle:  http://jsfiddle.net/gaoshun92/t2TxH/
  1. $(document).ready(function(){
  2.     $("div.item").click(function() {
  3.         $(this).addClass("open");
  4.         $(this).find("a.close").removeClass("hide");
  5.     });
  6.     $("a.close").click(function() {
  7.         $(this).addClass("hide");
  8.         var current = $(this).closest('div.item');
  9.         $(current).removeClass("open");
  10.     });
  11. });