Having trouble with jquery mobile design for desktop

Having trouble with jquery mobile design for desktop

Hi all. A complete newbie here so please forgive the simplistic wide eyed view.

First I want to build a website using this platform, however I have read through the documentation here > http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.5/.

It is great at defining and explaining all the features however it misses how to put them all together. I want to build a site very similar to the one in the url. I checked out the view source and discovered another style sheet that includes some of the styling from jquery.mobile.1.4.5.css. I can't imagine how long it took to sort through the jq mobile to add classes etc to the custom sheet. Is this the right way to do this?

Secondly, it seems from the example shown here [ http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.5/pages/]...albeit a very basic example, I am having great difficulty customizing it. I want to place a panel that sits to the left and then as the screen moves in for a smaller device, have the menu icon appear to the left of the logo in the header...yeah simple but I cannot even fathom how to get this to work.

I am not asking people to do this for me and I am willing to work at it another three days before pulling any more hair out. I guess what I am asking is has anyone that is brand new to this figured out how to make a desktop site look really good and how they managed to add another style sheet and incorporate that into the mix.

Thank you in advance for any help. Forums scare e as I have been on a few where the people that know more seem to have great fun poking fun and even to the point of ridiculing newbies for thier lack of knowledge..