Help is this possible - jquery - php - socket - update php variable?
I am new to jquery and I need an answer to this.
I have:
- Index.php:
- session_start();
- $page = "/update.php";
- $sec = "100";
- header("Refresh: $sec; url=$page");
- update.php
- session_start();
- $start_word = "temp";
- $FirstArrive = shell_exec("python /share/ $start_word");
- $stringFirstArrive = explode(',', $FirstArrive);
- $stringFirstArrive = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\+.:]/', ' ', $stringFirstArrive); // Removes special chars.
- $_SESSION['FirstArriveString'] = $stringFirstArrive;
- header("Refresh: 0; url='rpi.php'");
I have my index.php to be updated with data send not from the but antoher .py (on another server) that this starts.
a little tricky, because is it under build...
Right now it reload my and redirect back from update.php to update my variasbles.
I just want my variables in index.php to be updated. after those 2 .py files are excuted.
Is it possible with jquery?
Hope you can get the point, of my piece of .