(help)multiple select with same name loaded by ajax

(help)multiple select with same name loaded by ajax

hello everybody,
i have this problem regarding my multiple <select>

var counter = <%= actionNumber %>

   $(document).ready(function() {
      $('#wType'+counter).change(function() {   $('.actionspan'+counter).load('actionfile.asp?counter='+counter, {'actionval': $(this).val()});
return false;

and the html part:

<label>Action:</label><span class="actionspan<%=actionNumber%>"></span><br />

the problem is when prepend this file to a file, the previous workType <select> wont work

say: a prepend this file 3 times, so what will happen is that workType3 <select> will work, while workType2, and workType1 wont

please help me