Help needed with image rotation.

Help needed with image rotation.

I'm trying to do something that appeared simple at the outset. Just set up an image with a Prev | Next links that will hide the selected image and fadein the next.
It works fine until it gets to the end, I can't get it to select the first image when it reaches the end.
The strange thing is it works in reverse by scrolling through them with the Prev button.
Any help would be appreciated, heres the script and correspondent HTML:


<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/projectresize.js"></script>

<div id="projectimages">

<img id="firstimg" class="show" src="" height="350" href="" />
<img src="" height="350" />
<img src="" height="350" />
<img src="" height="350" />
<img src="" height="350" />
<img id="lastimg" src="" height="350" />

<br />
<p><a class="prev" href="#">Prev</a>|
<a class="next" href="#">Next</a></p>

$(document).ready(function() {

  $('#projectimages').click(function() {
  var current = $('#projectimages .show');
  var next = ? : current.parent().children('img#firstimg'); 
  $('#projectimages a.prev').click(function() {
  var current = $('#projectimages .show');
  var prev = current.prev().length ? current.prev() : current.parent().children('img#lastimg');