Help subsequent page requests do no make new ajax calls

Help subsequent page requests do no make new ajax calls

I've done some reading and looking around but can't seem to find an answer to this. I have a multipage layout with 3 page sections I am trying to make a mobile app out of for phonegap. I have an index page, a memberlist page, and a membersdetail page. On the homepage is just a button that shows the memberlist page. This page makes an ajax call out to a web server and fetches html code which I then insert into the page div. This works fine. Then there is a link for each listing to view that members detailed information. The first time you click the link it does what it should. It goes to the membersdetail page which makes another ajax call via this type link #memberDetail?MemberID=X where X is the member record in the database. However the problem I am having is once I click the UI back button and go back to the memberslist page and click a different members link to see their detailed information it only shows me the information from the first time I clicked.

Seems like it is loading the data from the ajax request only the first time the page is called. Then subsequent calls to the page wit a different MemberID param don't show anything new. Firebug shows it just keeps making the same ajax request each time. Is there a way to force it to make a new ajax request each time the page is called?