Hiding input in jquerymobile 1.3.1

Hiding input in jquerymobile 1.3.1


Upon upgrading to jquerymobile 1.3.1 from 1.2.1, input cannot be hidden properly.

  1.         <div id='divNameInput' data-role="fieldcontain">
  2.             <label for="name">Name:</label>
  3.             <input id="name" ></input>
  4.             <label id="nameLabel"></label>
  5.         </div>

Calling the following causes problem with formatting. The name control is not hidden!!! Works in 1.2.1 previously!!!
  1. $('#name').hide();
  2. $('#nameLabel').show();

However, changing the input to textarea works.

But, I wanna use input with type='numbers'. How can I hide input controls?