how about a no-frills table plugin with fixed header, vertical scrollbar, and pagination?

how about a no-frills table plugin with fixed header, vertical scrollbar, and pagination?

There are some good non-jquery table scripts out there, such as 
TinyTable V3 and others. There are also some impressive jQuery 
grid plugins, and then a handful of plugins for tables that have 
one useful feature only. 

What I'm hoping someone builds is a jquery table plugin that 
does not exert styling control in the way Flexigrid or jqGrid does,
and that offers the following: 
(1) sorting
(2) pagination
(3) fixed header
(4) vertical scrollbar (horizontal not allowed)

TinyTable (non-jQuery) by Michael Leigeber comes the closest to meeting 
these goals, except that it does not have the fixed header and vertical scrollbar.