How can I fade #contact back in and enable it and fade #success out?

How can I fade #contact back in and enable it and fade #success out?

I have a contact form that is validated by jquery then sends the values to php. you can see the contact form here and press the "Download Now!" button under the slider. If you fill out the form and press submit you will see the problem. Feel free to look at the source code also.

submitHandler: function(form) {
            data: $(form).serialize(),
            success: function() {
                $('#contact :input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
                $('#contact').fadeTo( "slow", 0.15, function() {
                $(this).find(':input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
            error: function() {
                $('#contact').fadeTo( "slow", 0.15, function() {

or if the modal would just close after about 5 seconds on its own that would work too