How can I use subclass property in jQuery.sub method ?

How can I use subclass property in jQuery.sub method ?


I read jQuery core.js(1.5) last month with my friends who love it. :-)
We were not sure what is the code of "jQuerySubclass.subclass = this.subclass;" in the jQuery.sub method.
How can I use it and what is the meaning of this substitution.

I checked unit test of core.js, but I have no idea.
If I don't set any value to jQuery.subclass, subclass property of the sub-class is undefined.

  1. var subClass = $.sub();
  2. subClass.subclass; // => undefined
  3. subClass.subclass = "subClassName";
  4. var subsubClass = subClass.sub()
  5. subsubClass.subclass // => "subClassName"
  6. var subsubsubClass = subsubClass.sub()
  7. subsubsubClass.subclass // => "subClassName"

What is the advantage of subclass property ?

Best regards.