how come jquery(or ajax) removed javascript from a remote server?

how come jquery(or ajax) removed javascript from a remote server?

when I use $("#selectableServiceLevelListContainer").load(requestUrl +
" #getServiceListResult", hwFamilyCodes) to get the returned html and
html content can be returned correctly, but javascript is removed by
jquery or ajax, I am not sure what caused this problem.
any one can give me some advice?
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%>
<div id="getServiceListResult">
<script type="text/javascript">
pspList= ${pspSearchResultList};
i tried to use alert("have a nice day"); this is removed too without
any warning alert.
only "hello world" is displayed. and the source code of the page did
not have expected javascript.