How Do I Fix MY Broken Timer

How Do I Fix MY Broken Timer

I am working on a tabata timer but as soon as I tried to put a "rounds" feature in it broke as well as the reset button. SOS. HELP. Below is my code: 


< head >
<!--outside libraries/functionality -->
< link href= '' rel= 'stylesheet' type= "text/css" >
< audio id= "buzzer" src= ></ audio > </ audio > < type= "audio/mpeg" ></ audio >
< script type= "text/javascript" src= "" ></ script >

<!--linking to files-->
< link rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" href= "style.css" >
< script type= "text/javascript" src= "function.js" ></ script >

</ head >

< body >

<!--Main div-->
< div >

< h1 >Clock < h1 >
< h3 >By Nicole Dupuis </ h3 >
< div class= "center" >

<!--Div for storage-->
< div id= "timeDiv" >
<!--Session time-->
< h1 id= "title1" >Session Time </ h1 >
<!--Session time subtraction-->
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "minus5Clock" >- </ a >
< h3 id= "timeType" ></ h2 >
<!--5 Mins-->
< h2 id= "num" class= "whaterver" >1 </ h2 >
<!--Session time addition-->
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "add5Clock" >+ </ a >
</ div >

< div >
<!--Break Time-->
< div id= "breakDiv" >
< h1 id= "title2" >Break Time </ h1 >
<!--Break Time subtraction-->
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "minus5Break" >- </ a >
< h2 id= "breakNum" >1 </ h2 >
<!--Break Time subtraction-->
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "add5Break" >+ </ a >
</ div >
</ div >

< div >
<!--Break Time-->
< div id= "roundsDiv" >
< h1 id= "title3" >Rounds </ h1 >
< h2 id= "numberofRounds" ></ h2 >
<!--Break Time subtraction-->
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "minus5Rounds" >- </ a >
< h2 id= "roundNum" >1 </ h2 >
<!--Break Time subtraction-->
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "add5Rounds" >+ </ a >
</ div >
</ div >
< div >
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "start" >Start </ a >
< a href= "#" class= "btn btn-primary" id= "reset" >Reset </ a >
</ div >

</ div >
</ body >


//document can only be manipulated safely once "ready"
$( document). ready( function() {

//array for buzzer
var buzzer = $( "#buzzer")[ 0];
//Integers for timer to be displayed
var count = parseInt( $( "#num"). html());
var breakTime = parseInt( $( "#breakNum"). html());
var rounds = parseInt( $( "#roundNum"). html());

//rest will only show for end of timer
$( "#reset"). show();

//event handler for start
$( "#start"). click( function() {
//adjusting for seconds
var counter = setInterval( timer, 1000);
count*= 60;
breakTime*= 60;

//local function once it hits zero it stops counting down
function timer() {

//hide variables

$( "#numberofRounds"). html( "Rounds:");
$( "#start, #minus5Clock, #add5Clock, #minus5Break, #add5Break, #breakNum, #add5Rounds, #minus5Rounds, #title1, #title2, #title3"). hide();
//display "session time" in document
$( "#timeType"). html( "Session Time:");
//added rounds here
//minus one second every iteration
count -= 1;
//play buzzer when reaches 0
if ( rounds === 0) { //redo this
if ( count === 0) {
buzzer. play();
//stop at 0
clearInterval( counter);
clearInterval( rounds);
//adjusting for seconds
var startBreak = setInterval( breakTimer, 1000);
//hide number for session time
$( "#num"). hide();
//if not a single digit number than change html
if( count% 60>= 10){
$( "#num"). html( Math. floor( count/ 60)+ ":"+ count% 60);
} else{
$( "#num"). html( Math. floor( count/ 60)+ ":"+ "0"+ count% 60);
//---- var breakTime = setInterval(timer, 1000);
function breakTimer() {

//changes to break time
$( "#timeType"). html( "Break Time: ");
//displays the break number
$( "#breakNum"). show();
//60 used to be here
$( "timeType"). show();
//counting down by seconds
breakTime -= 1;
//once done clear interval
if( breakTime === 0){
clearInterval( startBreak);
buzzer. play();
//show reset button
// $("#reset").show();
//hiding "break time" and break numner
$( "#breakNum, #timeType"). hide();
if( breakTime% 60>= 10){
$( "#breakNum"). html( Math. floor( breakTime/ 60)+ ":"+ breakTime% 60);
} else{
$( "#breakNum"). html( Math. floor( breakTime/ 60)+ ":"+ "0"+ breakTime% 60);

//for resetting will reset both sets of numbers to 25 and hide rest and time
$( "#reset"). click( function() {
count= 1;
breakTime= 1;
rounds= 1;
//displays numbers buttons and types
$( "#num"). html( count);
$( "#breakNum"). html( breakTime);
//show orginal layout
$( "#start, #reset, #num, #minus5Clock, #add5Clock, #minus5Break, #add5Break, #breakNum, #add5Rounds, #minus5Rounds, #roundNum, #title1, #title2, #title3" ). show();
//hide time type and reset button
$( "#timeType, #numberofRounds"). hide();
//"#start, #minus5Clock, #add5Clock, #minus5Break, #add5Break, #breakNum, #add5Rounds, #minus5Rounds, #roundNum, #title1, #title2"

//when subtracting you cannot go below 5 mins for session time
$( "#minus5Clock"). click( function() {
if ( count > 1) {
count -= 1;
$( "#num"). html( count);
// console.log(count);

//can add 5 minutes additionally for session time
$( "#add5Clock"). click( function() {
count += 1;
$( "#num"). html( count);
//can subtract 5 minutes additionally for break time
$( "#minus5Break"). click( function() {
if ( breakTime > 1) {
breakTime -= 1;
$( "#breakNum"). html( breakTime);
// console.log(count);

//can add 5 minutes additionally for break time
$( "#add5Break"). click( function() {
breakTime += 1;
$( "#breakNum"). html( breakTime);

//can subtract 5 minutes additionally for break time
$( "#minus5Rounds"). click( function() {
if ( rounds >= 1) {
rounds -= 1;
$( "#roundNum"). html( rounds);
// console.log(count);

//can add rounds additionally
$( "#add5Rounds"). click( function() {
rounds += 1;
$( "#roundNum"). html( rounds);