How I "compile" jquery from git?

How I "compile" jquery from git?

I'm trying to "compile" jquery from git on Windows, but I don't know how I install Ant, seems that I need JDK, then I make a "build.php", all works fine, jquery was compile, but in unit test I get too much errors.

  1. data module: expando (24, 6)
  2. data module: (210, 12)
  3. data module: .data(String) and .data(String, Object) (122, 23)
  4. manipulation module: append(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery) (1225, 37)
  5. manipulation module: append(Function) (1225, 37)
  6. event module: click(), with data (20, 2)
  7. event module: bind(name, false), unbind(name, false) (21, 3)
  8. event module: bind()/trigger()/unbind() on plain object (22, 4)
  9. event module: .live()/.die() (462, 66)
  10. event module: .delegate()/.undelegate() (461, 65)
  11. offset module: absolute (40, 4)

I don't know if I'm the error, if tests have errors, or if I need really install JDK :/

I tried copy official jquery142 version, but the erros continues.
