How to add a custom button in the insert menu?

How to add a custom button in the insert menu?

Im using tinymce in a textarea and the content the tinymce code is like:

  1. tinymce.init({
  2.     selector: 'textarea',
  3.     plugins: 'image code link lists textcolor wordcount ' +
  4.     '         hr pagebreak colorpicker textpattern anchor table media',
  5.     relative_urls: true,
  6.     file_browser_callback: function (field_name, url, type, win) {
  7.         // trigger file upload form
  8.         if (type == 'image') $('#formUpload input').click();
  9.     }
  10. });

And its working. But I would like to include in the "Insert" menu of the tinymce add a custom button to a custom functionality. Do you know how to achieve that?