how to add comments and code to a post

how to add comments and code to a post

Ive posted a few times now, mostly to ask for help. Some times I need to quote a post and/or add code(more than a few lines and I find the code and comment buttons confusing. I'm used to the BBcode that a lot of invision and phpBB forums use. I can't make sese of the ones used here. If I want to copy and pase say 10 lines of code and I click on the "code button" I'm presented one blank, numbered line. Now in the past I have just pasted that code in the text box and it pastes all right but it is not numbered. To get out of the code box I hit return and the back-space key.

If I want to quote someone I hit the "quote" button to paste the part of the previous post I want to quote and I get this huge open quote symbol I paste my code and thinking "Hey I'll just click on the "Quote key again, I'll get a huge "open quote" symbol and I can resume typing" Nope! I can't get out of that darned Quote Mode!

I'd like to be able to use the forum as it was designed to be used but I don't know how and I havn't seen any tutorials on it.