how to avoid ugly and slow animation of jqm when load an image on page loaded?

how to avoid ugly and slow animation of jqm when load an image on page loaded?

I am using camera plugin of cordova to take a photo on camera success i have this function:
  1. previewPhoto: function (filename) {
  2.     console.log("previewPhoto: execute numFoto " + this.numFoto);
  3.     var img = new Image();    
  4.       img.onload = function () {
  5.         $("#hGallery").append("<span id='image" + this.numFoto + "'></span");
  6.         $("#image" + this.numFoto).append("<a id='btnFotoAnteprima" + this.numFoto + "' href='#'></a>");
  7.         $("#btnFotoAnteprima" + this.numFoto).append("<img id='fotoAnteprima" + this.numFoto + "' src=" + img.src + " width='128px' height='128px'/>");
  8.         //camera.refreshData();
  9.       }
  10.     img.src = filename;
  11.     if ( !== undefined) {
  12.       console.log("key foto: " + "foto" + this.numFoto);
  13."foto" + this.numFoto, filename);
  14.       console.log("fotos " +"foto" + this.numFoto));
  15.     } else {
  16.       console.log("Sorry! No Web Storage support..");
  17.     }
  18.     this.numFoto++;
  19.   },
Simply i append the photo taked with the plugin to the page but i obtain this ugli animation:        
i have this page:

    Nuova Scheda

    Scegli Foto:

    Schede immobiliari