how to call a function

how to call a function

Hello guys,

Im using jquery mobile now for a while, but i can't solve this problem. i would really appreciate if someone could help me. I found a code online (a real countdown, so it can show how many hours left till ".." event will begin). 

My question is now, how can i display this function? The code i found, i placed it in the head with <script> and </script>. How can i call the function itself in the html so it displays the countdown on my browser when i do preview in safari. 

I really could appreciate if someone could help me with this. 

Huge thanks!

The code is:

(function($){ $.fn.countDown = function (options) { config = {}; $.extend(config, options); diffSecs = this.setCountDown(config); if (config.onComplete) { $.data($(this)[0], 'callback', config.onComplete); } if (config.omitWeeks) { $.data($(this)[0], 'omitWeeks', config.omitWeeks); } $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + ' .digit').html('<div class="top"></div><div class="bottom"></div>'); $(this).doCountDown($(this).attr('id'), diffSecs, 500); return this; }; $.fn.stopCountDown = function () { clearTimeout($.data(this[0], 'timer')); }; $.fn.startCountDown = function () { this.doCountDown($(this).attr('id'),$.data(this[0], 'diffSecs'), 500); }; $.fn.setCountDown = function (options) { var targetTime = new Date(); if (options.targetDate) { targetTime = new Date(options.targetDate.month + '/' + + '/' + options.targetDate.year + ' ' + options.targetDate.hour + ':' + options.targetDate.min + ':' + options.targetDate.sec + (options.targetDate.utc ? ' UTC' : '')); } else if (options.targetOffset) { targetTime.setFullYear(options.targetOffset.year + targetTime.getFullYear()); targetTime.setMonth(options.targetOffset.month + targetTime.getMonth()); targetTime.setDate( + targetTime.getDate()); targetTime.setHours(options.targetOffset.hour + targetTime.getHours()); targetTime.setMinutes(options.targetOffset.min + targetTime.getMinutes()); targetTime.setSeconds(options.targetOffset.sec + targetTime.getSeconds()); } var nowTime = new Date(); diffSecs = Math.floor((targetTime.valueOf()-nowTime.valueOf())/1000); $.data(this[0], 'diffSecs', diffSecs); return diffSecs; }; $.fn.doCountDown = function (id, diffSecs, duration) { $this = $('#' + id); if (diffSecs <= 0) { diffSecs = 0; if ($.data($this[0], 'timer')) { clearTimeout($.data($this[0], 'timer')); } } secs = diffSecs % 60; mins = Math.floor(diffSecs/60)%60; hours = Math.floor(diffSecs/60/60)%24; if ($.data($this[0], 'omitWeeks') == true) { days = Math.floor(diffSecs/60/60/24); weeks = Math.floor(diffSecs/60/60/24/7); } else { days = Math.floor(diffSecs/60/60/24)%7; weeks = Math.floor(diffSecs/60/60/24/7); } $this.dashChangeTo(id, 'seconds_dash', secs, duration ? duration : 800); $this.dashChangeTo(id, 'minutes_dash', mins, duration ? duration : 1200); $this.dashChangeTo(id, 'hours_dash', hours, duration ? duration : 1200); $this.dashChangeTo(id, 'days_dash', days, duration ? duration : 1200); $this.dashChangeTo(id, 'weeks_dash', weeks, duration ? duration : 1200); $.data($this[0], 'diffSecs', diffSecs); if (diffSecs > 0) { e = $this; t = setTimeout(function() { e.doCountDown(id, diffSecs-1) } , 1000); $.data(e[0], 'timer', t); } else if (cb = $.data($this[0], 'callback')) { $.data($this[0], 'callback')(); } }; $.fn.dashChangeTo = function(id, dash, n, duration) { $this = $('#' + id); for (var i=($this.find('.' + dash + ' .digit').length-1); i>=0; i--) { var d = n%10; n = (n - d) / 10; $this.digitChangeTo('#' + $this.attr('id') + ' .' + dash + ' .digit:eq('+i+')', d, duration); } }; $.fn.digitChangeTo = function (digit, n, duration) { if (!duration) { duration = 800; } if ($(digit + '').html() != n + '') { $(digit + '').css({'display': 'none'}); $(digit + '').html((n ? n : '0')).slideDown(duration); $(digit + ' div.bottom').animate({'height': ''}, duration, function() { $(digit + ' div.bottom').html($(digit + '').html()); $(digit + ' div.bottom').css({'display': 'block', 'height': ''}); $(digit + '').hide().slideUp(10); }); } }; })(jQuery);