how to create an "ajax callbacks"

how to create an "ajax callbacks"

hi i have this fiddle:

if you try: Edit the data you can.... after click on SaVVe button display the alert with: 1111111 right

at this point all its ok..

but when i use onAjax, see this sample 6:

ignore the event:

 $(document).on("click", ".myButton", function () {

i want in onAjax get Qty value, Price, and multiply and set in Total column the result, how to?


my code:

if ($("#myTableInsumos").length) {
                        url: "servletLomita",
                        deleteButton: true,
                        onAjax: function (action, serialize) {
                            if (action == 'delete') {
                                serialize += "&xAccion=borrarInsumosLineaCaptura";
                            } else if (action == 'edit') {
                                serialize += "&xAccion=editarInsumosLineaCaptura";
                            console.log("onAjax", action, serialize);
                            return serialize;
                            console.log('onAjax(action, serialize)');
                        buttons: {
                            save: {
                                class: 'btn btn-sm btn-success mySaveButton',
                                html: 'Grabar Cambios'
                            delete: {
                                class: 'btn btn-sm btn-danger',
                                html: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> &nbsp Cancelar',
                                action: 'delete'
                            confirm: {
                                class: 'btn btn-sm btn-default',
                                html: 'Esta Seguro?'
                        columns: {
                            identifier: [0, 'Id'],
                            editable: [[3, 'Lote'], [4, 'Cantidad'], [5, 'TipoEmpaque', myATipoEmpaque]]
