How to define fallback transitions for non-3D support?

How to define fallback transitions for non-3D support?

In JQM 1.2.0 docs, the defining fallback transitions for non-3D support is explained as 

The fallback transition for browsers that don't support 3D transforms can be configured for each transition type, but by default we specify "fade" as the fallback. For example, this will set the fallback transition for the slideout transition to "none":

$.mobile.transitionFallbacks.slideout = "none"
But the $.mobile.transitionFallbacks.slideout = "none", again getting me fade transistion when non-3D support devices comes.

When I gives like

  1. $.mobile.transitionFallbacks = {} // or  'none'
It is working nice.

Why this happens?

Does slideout or slide transition doesn't works?