How to delete multiple rows of a table with Jquery and ajax?

How to delete multiple rows of a table with Jquery and ajax?

I want to be able to delete checkbox-selected rows but when I click on "Delete Selected", but I have the following limitations:

1. Can only delete the first row no matter which checkbox I tick
2. Deletion only take place the first time or if I refresh the page.

I want to be able to delete selected rows, and delete them whenever I please without having to refresh the page.

  1. <a type="button" class="delete_all btn">Delete Selected</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function create_html_table (tbl_data) {
    tbl +='<table>';
    tbl +='<thead>';
    tbl +='<tr>';
    tbl +='<th rowspan="3"><input type="checkbox" id="master"></th>';
    // More table headers
    tbl +='</tr>';
    tbl +='</thead>';
    tbl +='<tbody>';
              $.each(tbl_data, function(index, val) 
                    var row_id = val['row_id'];
                    //loop through ajax row data
                    tbl +='<tr id="row" row_id="'+row_id+'">';
                        tbl +='<td><input type="checkbox" class="sub_chk"></td>';
                        tbl +='<td>'+(index + 1)+'</td>';
                        tbl +='<td><div col_name="filename">'+val['filename']+'</div></td>';
                        // More data
                    tbl +='</tr>';
    tbl +='</tbody>';
    tbl +='</table>';
    var ajax_url = "<?php echo APPURL;?>/ajax.php" ;
    // Multi-select
    $(document).on("click","#master", function(e) {
        $(".sub_chk").prop('checked', true);  
    //Delete selected rows
    $(document).on('click', '.delete_all', function(event) 
        var ele_this = $('#row') ;
        var row_id = ele_this.attr('row_id');
        var allVals = [];
        if(allVals.length <=0)  
            alert("Please select row.");  
        else {
        var data_obj=
        ele_this.html('<p class="bg-warning">Please wait....deleting your entry</p>')
        $.post(ajax_url, data_obj, function(data) 
            var d1 = JSON.parse(data); 
            if(d1.status == "error")
                var msg = ''
                + '<h3>There was an error while trying to add your entry</h3>'
                +'<pre class="bg-danger">'+JSON.stringify(data_obj, null, 2) +'</pre>'
            else if(d1.status == "success")

  1. if(isset($_POST['call_type']) && $_POST['call_type'] =="delete_row_entry")
    $row_id = app_db()->CleanDBData($_POST['row_id']);   
    $q1 = app_db()->select("select * from data where row_id='$row_id'");
    if($q1 > 0) 
        //found a row to be deleted
        $strTableName = "data";
        $array_where = array('row_id' => $row_id);
        //Call it like this:
        echo json_encode(array(
            'status' => 'success', 
            'msg' => 'deleted entry', 