How to deselect an item from listview

How to deselect an item from listview

Hi there!

I have a dynamically generated listview on a page. When the page is displayed one specific item from listview is selected when I view the page on BlackBerry. When I view the page in Chrome on Desktop, none of the item from listview is selected. Not sure why on BlackBerry mobile, I see that an item is selected.

Here is my code:
  1.  $(document).on("pagebeforeshow", "#removedates", function () {
  2.       var sc = new Array;
          sc = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dates"));             
  3.       $.each(sc, function (i, val) {
                        $('#list').append("<li data-name='" + sc[i] + "'><a href='' class='delete'>" + sc[i][0] + "</a></li>");
  4. });

Any ideas as how to deselect an item from listview. There is no other element on the page other than listview.
