How to fix jquery "appendTo:" issue?

How to fix jquery "appendTo:" issue?

I have created aspx page, this page has one jquery dialog and Homepage link button.Before open dialog link button(click) is working, after open and close dialog link button click is not working,no action.
In the dialog box dropdownlist added, it shows text comments from server as per selected items.
I have found the issue in the jquery dialog is "appendTo:", when i comment this line then link button click is working but dropdownlist action not working[again its reset to the original position]. I want both should be working
Please help me out this issue.

  1.             $("#dvLoadDialog").dialog({
  2.                 dialogClass: 'dialogCandidateInfo',
  3.                 position: 'center',
  4.                 appendTo: "form",
  5.                 title: '',
  6.                 show: {
  7.                     effect: 'fade',
  8.                     duration: 100
  9.                 },
  10.                 width: 1000,
  11.                 height: 540,
  12.                 resizable: false,
  13.                 close: function (event, ui) {
  14.                   if (event.originalEvent && $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").length) {
  15.                         $(this).dialog('destroy');
  16.                     }
  17.                     else {
  18.                         $(this).dialog('destroy');
  19.                     }
  20.                 },
  21.                 closeOnEscape: false,
  22.                 modal: true,
  23.                 draggable: false,
  24.                 resizable: false
  25.             });
  26.             $(".ui-dialog-titlebar").removeClass('ui-widget-header');