How to get click event for an diabled html element

How to get click event for an diabled html element

I try using jQuery to get the click event for an diabled html element, but it seems not work.
The code snippet is following:
  1. <asp:TextBox ID="txbPerFName" TabIndex="1" runat="server" Width="70px" Enabled="false" CssClass="handleTooltip">
  2. </asp:TextBox>

  3. $(".handleTooltip.disabled").on({
  4. "click": function () {
  5. console.log("testok");
  6. console.log($(this).prop("disabled"));
  7. if ($(this).prop("disabled")) {
  8. $(this).tooltip({ items: ".handleTooltip", content: "Check Item" });
  9. $(this).tooltip("option", "position", { my: "right-3 top-15", at: "left bottom" });
  10. $(this).tooltip("open");
  11. }
  12. },
  13. "mouseout": function () {
  14. console.log("testdisableok");
  15. if ($(this).prop("disabled")) {
  16. $(this).tooltip("disable");
  17. }
  18. }
  19. });
Is that possible for jQuery to get the click event for an diabled html element? 
Thanks a lot.