How to get particular href?

How to get particular href?

  1. <a onclick="return false;" target="_blank" href="15"  id="accounting_send" class="glyphicons no-js book"><i></i></a>                             
  2. <a onclick="return false;" target="_blank" href="16"  id="accounting_send" class="glyphicons no-js book"><i></i></a>
  3. <a onclick="return false;" target="_blank" href="17"  id="accounting_send" class="glyphicons no-js book"><i></i></a>

  1. $("#accounting_send").click(function () {
  2.             var docID =  $(this).find("a[href]").attr('href');
  3.             console.log(docID);
  4. });

So, this function gets only first href - 15. But when i click on every other a tag nothing is happen.
I want when i clicked on particular a tag to get his href value.