How to get rid of the # in the url?

How to get rid of the # in the url?

I keep linking pages with Ajax to get transition and the history back button. So the linked pages getting a URL like this: #fishing.php

in fishing.php, i have several sub pages which I load with Ajax too:

  1.  <a href="#cyanide" data-rel="dialog" data-transition="pop">About Cyanide Fishing</a>
  2.  <a href="#dynamite" data-rel="dialog" data-transition="pop">About Dynamite Fishing</a>
Now I am getting the page loading error when I try to open one of these sub pages.

When I remve the # in the url and reload the page (, the sub pages get loaded perfectly.

I could load fishing.php via external mode, but I will loose my history back link, which I really need.

Is there an easy solution for this?
