how to hide results after selecting from listview filterable / autocomplete

how to hide results after selecting from listview filterable / autocomplete

Something that has troubled me for some time - I solved it just now and thought I would share...

Using listview autocomplete

I have a form for entering a business name and address. When the operator (user) enters a business name, I want it to list similar names already on file.  Purpose: Give the operator the chance to either edit an existing record, or give them an idea the record already exists, or allow them to add a new record that is similar to an existing record.

What worked was incomplete solution... Enter a business name and existing similar named businesses were suggested as list items. Operator could select one and the form correctly populated.

Problem 1: After the operator selected an existing business/list item, and the form was populated, the suggested list items stayed visible.

I tried various solutions, like dynamically hiding the list items after form was populated etc but each solution came with some ugliness.

Problem 2: I could only edit/select one address. Attempting to repeat the process on a second record meant I was offered no suggested list items.

After some head scratching I found reference at the bottom of this page:

The filterable widget runs the filter a single time during startup to make sure the list of children reflects the value entered in the search input. You can avoid this step by specifying the data-enhanced="true" attribute. When set to true, the filterable will assume that you have correctly applied the class ui-screen-hidden to those children that should be initially hidden.

The solution that worked for me:
Adding data-enhanced="true" did nothing for me so perhaps I mis-read it as a potential solution.  However... after operator selects an item from the list view, I add "ui-screen-hidden" to all items and they hide. If I enter a new business name in the search box, it correctly offers me suggestions.

Does this make sense? I hope it helps someone going forward...