How to integrate Geolocation API/Google Maps plugin with Jquery Mobile

How to integrate Geolocation API/Google Maps plugin with Jquery Mobile

Hey there, first time poster..

I'm currently trying to develop a prototype using jQuery Mobile (a simple project not a finished product) for an assignment. The idea was a mobile website that would allow the user to locate their current position once they share their location and then display a forecast of the day for that current location using data from a weather website.

I'm fine with coding the layout and design as it's more my field, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around using the Geolocation API's with jQuery Mobile as I'm not great at coding. I've spent days just trying to get the API working with my code and displaying on mobile browsers (I still can't get it working), I'm honestly puzzled!

If anyone can point me in the right direction or offer advice related to how I can achieve that task of displaying a forecast, or even displaying the text for the forecast (to work with the text back feature) that would be helpful.

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