How to keep sub menu open if there a item is selected
Hi, I am having trouble with the mtree.js plugin.
I am trying to keep the current parent menu open if a child is selected. however i need it to collapse if another menu item on the same level is selected. which is defined on the following code on line 12.
- // mtree.js
- // Requires jquery.js and velocity.js (optional but recommended).
- // Copy the below function, add to your JS, and simply add a list <ul class=mtree> ... </ul>
- ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
- // Only apply if mtree list exists
- if($('ul.mtree').length) {
- // Settings
- var collapsed = true; // Start with collapsed menu (only level 1 items visible)
- var close_same_level = true; // Close elements on same level when opening new node.
- var duration = 200; // Animation duration should be tweaked according to easing.
- var listAnim = true; // Animate separate list items on open/close element (velocity.js only).
- var easing = 'easeOutQuart'; // Velocity.js only, defaults to 'swing' with jquery animation.
- // Set initial styles
- $('.mtree ul').css({'overflow':'hidden', 'height': (collapsed) ? 0 : 'auto', 'display': (collapsed) ? 'none' : 'block' });
- // Get node elements, and add classes for styling
- var node = $('.mtree li:has(ul)');
- node.each(function(index, val) {
- $(this).children(':first-child').css('cursor', 'pointer')
- $(this).addClass('mtree-node mtree-' + ((collapsed) ? 'closed' : 'open'));
- $(this).children('ul').addClass('mtree-level-' + ($(this).parentsUntil($('ul.mtree'), 'ul').length + 1));
- });
- // Set mtree-active class on list items for last opened element
- $('.mtree li > *:first-child').on('click.mtree-active', function(e){
- if($(this).parent().hasClass('mtree-closed')) {
- $('.mtree-active').not($(this).parent()).removeClass('mtree-active');
- $(this).parent().addClass('mtree-active');
- } else if($(this).parent().hasClass('mtree-open')){
- $(this).parent().removeClass('mtree-active');
- } else {
- $('.mtree-active').not($(this).parent()).removeClass('mtree-active');
- $(this).parent().toggleClass('mtree-active');
- }
- });
- // Set node click elements, preferably <a> but node links can be <span> also
- node.children(':first-child').on('click.mtree', function(e){
- // element vars
- var el = $(this).parent().children('ul').first();
- var isOpen = $(this).parent().hasClass('mtree-open');
- // close other elements on same level if opening
- if((close_same_level || $('.csl').hasClass('active')) && !isOpen) {
- var close_items = $(this).closest('ul').children('.mtree-open').not($(this).parent()).children('ul');
- // Velocity.js
- if($.Velocity) {
- close_items.velocity({
- height: 0
- }, {
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- display: 'none',
- delay: 100,
- complete: function(){
- setNodeClass($(this).parent(), true)
- }
- });
- // jQuery fallback
- } else {
- close_items.delay(100).slideToggle(duration, function(){
- setNodeClass($(this).parent(), true);
- });
- }
- }
- // force auto height of element so actual height can be extracted
- el.css({'height': 'auto'});
- // listAnim: animate child elements when opening
- if(!isOpen && $.Velocity && listAnim) el.find(' > li, li.mtree-open > ul > li').css({'opacity':0}).velocity('stop').velocity('list');
- // Velocity.js animate element
- if($.Velocity) {
- el.velocity('stop').velocity({
- //translateZ: 0, // optional hardware-acceleration is automatic on mobile
- height: isOpen ? [0, el.outerHeight()] : [el.outerHeight(), 0]
- },{
- queue: false,
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- display: isOpen ? 'none' : 'block',
- begin: setNodeClass($(this).parent(), isOpen),
- complete: function(){
- if(!isOpen) $(this).css('height', 'auto');
- }
- });
- // jQuery fallback animate element
- } else {
- setNodeClass($(this).parent(), isOpen);
- el.slideToggle(duration);
- }
- // We can't have nodes as links unfortunately
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- // Function for updating node class
- function setNodeClass(el, isOpen) {
- if(isOpen) {
- el.removeClass('mtree-open').addClass('mtree-closed');
- } else {
- el.removeClass('mtree-closed').addClass('mtree-open');
- }
- }
- // List animation sequence
- if($.Velocity && listAnim) {
- $.Velocity.Sequences.list = function (element, options, index, size) {
- $.Velocity.animate(element, {
- opacity: [1,0],
- translateY: [0, -(index+1)]
- }, {
- delay: index*(duration/size/2),
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing
- });
- };
- }
- // Fade in mtree after classes are added.
- // Useful if you have set collapsed = true or applied styles that change the structure so the menu doesn't jump between states after the function executes.
- if($('.mtree').css('opacity') == 0) {
- if($.Velocity) {
- $('.mtree').css('opacity', 1).children().css('opacity', 0).velocity('list');
- } else {
- $('.mtree').show(200);
- }
- }
- }
- }(jQuery, this, this.document));
I have shamefully hacked and added this code to almost make it
- $('.current-menu-parent').removeClass('mtree-closed').addClass('mtree-open mtree-active block');
- $('.current-menu-parent').click(function(){
- $(this).next('.sub-menu').slideUp();
- $(this).toggleClass('block');
- });
Would be very grateful for any help or advice