How to keep the submit text from showing with jQuery Mobile

How to keep the submit text from showing with jQuery Mobile

I'm working on a website that has a submit button and forms and such. On this website I'm using jQuery Mobile, but to keep its stylesheet from interfering I'm using some jQuery.

This is my jQuery to keep jQuery Mobile's stylesheet from interfering (I call it Normalize.js):

$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', 'html', function() { 
      $('div').removeClass('ui-shadow'); });

This is my submit button:

<input type="button" name="reportsubmit" value="Submit" onClick="checkReport(this.form)">

jQuery Mobile is doing a weird thing where it is printing the value of the button, in this case "Submit", to the page, even though under it there is a button under it that says "Submit" and actually works.

You can see what it looks like here:

Using the inspect element feature I can see this: Which shows a "Submit" being printed to the page even though I don't have "Submit" going to the page anywhere but in my button, and the text is only supposed to be in my button.

Please tell me why "Submit" is being printed to my page even though it is only supposed to be in the button. Also please tell me how to fix this issue.