how to make submenu to open on the left side?
Please, can someone helps me.
I have to change opening a submenu on left side, instead on right side when it floated right.
I've used this function, but it doesn't work:
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
var screenWidth = $(window).width();
$('body, html').css('overflow', 'visible');
if (screenWidth > 767)
$(".dropdown-menu").hover(function () {
var menuPos = $(this).offset().left + $(this).width() + $(this).find('ul').width();
var newPos = $(this).offset().left - $(this).find('ul').width();
var windowPos = $(window).width();
var oldPos = $(this).offset().left + $(this).width();
if (menuPos > windowPos)
$(this).find('ul').offset({ "left": newPos });
$(this).find('ul').offset({ "left": oldPos });
Thanks in advance.