how to noConflict jQuery Mobile?

how to noConflict jQuery Mobile?


I am using two versions of jQuery and i want to start using jQuery mobile. See below code:

< script type =" text/javascript " src =" /client/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js "> </ script >
< script type =" text/javascript " src =" /client/js/jquery-2.1.0.min.js ">
</ script >
< script type =" text/javascript ">
var jQuery_2_1_0 = $.noConflict(true); </ script >

< script type =" text/javascript " src =" /client/js/ "> </ script >

Now the problem is, that recognises the 1.4.2 version of jquery.

How do i tell to use the 2.1.0 version?

** The noConflict cannot be used for 1.4.2 version, because of legacy code and one jquery version is not an option for now.