How to pass other value in jQuery Autocomplete lists/label that is not selected using the Autocomplete itself
I am doing a email function where there are 2 options for selecting the receivers:
(1) Choosing from Autocomplete box (for small number of receivers)
(2) Choosing from list of Radio Button (for large number of receivers)
I use the Facebook themed Autocomplete. My question is:
How do I pass the value that is selected from (2) to be displayed together in the Autocomplete box with the value selected from (1).
My code for the Autocomplete is as follow:
<input type="hidden" name="receiver" value="<?=$receiver?>"> <input type="text" id="tokenize" name="nm_receiver" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#tokenize").tokenInput("src/ajax-user.php", { theme: "facebook", preventDuplicates: true, excludeCurrent: true, hintText: "Type Receivers name", noResultsText: "No Record", searchingText: "Searching..." }); }); </script>
And this is the code I use to pass the value from the Radio Button(using CI Controllers)
function insert_address() { $this->load->library(array('session','office')); $this->load->helper(array('url','form')); $this->load->model('model'); $this->load->database(); $user_to = $this->input->post('user_to'); // reformating list of receiver foreach($user_to as $key => $val){ $name_to[] = addslashes($this->Eoffice_model->getFullname($user_to[$key])); } $nameto = join(", ",$name_to); $userto = join(",",$user_to); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo "tid = window.opener.document.frm_upload.receiver.value;\n"; echo "tname = window.opener.document.frm_upload.nm_receiver.value;\n"; echo "if(tid != '') tid = tid+',';\n"; echo "if(tname != '') tname = tname+', ';\n"; echo "window.opener.document.frm_upload.receiver.value = tid+'".$userto."';\n"; echo "window.opener.document.frm_upload.nm_receiver.value = tname+'".addslashes($nameto)."';\n"; echo "window.close();\n"; echo "</script>\n"; }
This is the example of Autocomplete I'm using